كمنة ابنت موسى بن محمد بن على بن عبد الملك بن موسى بن ابرهيم بن زيد بن خالد بن زيد
Kamina bint Mūsā bin Muḥammad bin 'Alī bin 'Abd al-Malik bin Mūsā bin Ibrahīm bin Zayd bin Khālid bin Zayd / Kamina daughter Musa son of Muhammad son of Ali son of Abd al-Malik son of Musa son of Ibrahim son of Zayd son of Khalid son of Zayd
expression of male ancestor - male descendant relation in 5th line after great grandson in Arabic
RCEA 6 2321 (= TEI 6324; with photo at <http://www.epigraphie-islamique.org/epi/picture_view_full.php?ref=2063/image/1.jpg>)
Bibliography & list of abbreviations
Identity marker
IM 5: Family relation
Identity marker variant
IMVar 5.34: Family relation: descendant 5 (m) of so-and-so
Second identity marker variant
Identities revealed
For IMVar 5.34:
- gender: male
- family: descendant